Maxitronix Xin1 Kits
In the Maxitronix Xin1 videos I work my way through some old electronics project labs distributed by Maxitronix back in the good old days.
The Maxitronix Xin1 videos are special shows which air on the main channel.
Table of Contents
The contents of this page are organised into the following sections:
Maxitronix Xin1 Kits
Notes about the Maxitronix projects are kept on my wiki: John's Wiki § Maxitronix
The Maxitronix Xin1 Kits are electronic project labs of various sizes. I own pretty much the full set:
If you're interested in these kits you can find some information about where to buy them on my Maxitronix equipment page.
I am slowly making my way through my collection, making one video for each project in each Maxitronix project lab:
For an introduction to the Maxitronix Xin1 kits see the announcement video page.
The Maxitronix Xin1 Kits are electronic project labs with projects designed to teach people about electronics. They are a great way to learn electronics and are a lot of fun. I would highly recommend them to anyone interested in electronics.
Format of an Xin1 Project Video
In an Xin1 project video I have the following sections:
- welcome and introduction (welcome cam)
- read instructions (book cam)
- LTspice build and simulation (computer)
- kit construction (booth cam)
- kit test and measure with oscilloscope (bench cam)
- kit thermal examination (bench cam)
- KiCad PCB design (computer)
- PCBWay PCB order (computer)
- PCB build (bench cam)
- PCB test and measure with oscilloscope (bench cam)
- PCB thermal examination (bench cam)
- conclusion (farewell cam)
Announcing Maxitronix Xin1 Projects Feature
In this video I announce the Maxitronix Xin1 projects feature.
Thank You!
Thanks very much for your interest and I hope you enjoy the show!
Where to from Here?
You made it to the bottom of the page, huh? Well done! I'm a bit of a scroller myself. :)
Where you go next depends on what you're interested in. Here are some suggestions:
- If you're enjoying my content you could consider supporting the show.
- My new book teardown videos are quite popular, you might enjoy watching those.
- My personal favourites are the old book teardown videos.
- Visit the main channel, for all my high quality content including my special shows.
- Visit the main show, for my main show videos, which include the electronics project and old book teardown videos.
- Visit the equipment page, if you're interested in any of the equipment I use. If you're putting together your own electronics lab then I would certainly recommend checking this out!
- Did I mention that you can support the show? :)