About the Website
This website is for the video blog of John Elliot V who is affectionately known as Jay Jay.
Table of Contents
The contents of this page are organised into the following sections:
About the Show
In The Lab With Jay Jay is the video blog of John Elliot V.
On my main channel and my 2nd channel I publish videos about electronics.
The content is fairly wide ranging but in general it should be of interest to electronics hobbyists, particularly beginners.
You can find more info about this website on the about page and you can find contact details on the contact page, feel free to get in touch!
About Jay Jay
As mentioned above my name is John Elliot V and my friends call me Jay Jay.
The 'V' on the end of my name is the Roman numeral for five, because I am the fifth John Elliot in a line of John Elliots that goes back to my great great grandfather. His dad's name was Walter.
I was born in 1980 which means I turn 45 this year.
My day job is computer programming which I've been doing for more than 25 years. Before that I was training as a chef! (With my family I have operated two restaurants, both of them gourmet pizza joints.)
I live in a beautiful part of the world known as the Blue Mountains which is in New South Wales, Australia. (Just outside of Sydney.)
My favourite type of music is psychedelic trance and I'm usually tuned into the Goa-Psy Trance channel on di.fm.
Apart from electronics, computer programming, and psychedelic trance my special interests include philosophy, mathematics, and database design. My oscilloscope is a Rigol MSO5074. My mechanical keyboard is a FILCO Majestouch 2SS with Cherry MX Speed Silver switches. My favourite computer game is StarCraft II. My favourite story is The Lord of the Rings. My favourite movie is The Matrix. My favourite colour is #37a101. And my favourite spelling is the one which will annoy the Americans the most. :)
Website Conventions
On this website internal links are light blue, external links are dark blue, and affiliate links are green.
Usually external links and affiliate links will open in a new tab/window and this is indicated with a chain symbol (๐) following the link.
As you may know if you want to open an external/affiliate link in a new tab instead of a new window you can right click the link and select "Open link in new tab" or you can usually hold down the "Ctrl" key while clicking the link.
Contact Information
You can always find my contact information on the contact page.
John's Blog
I usually write up show notes on my blog, which is over here:
John's Wiki
I often make notes on my wiki, which is over here:
You might occasionally see my wiki referred to as "sixsigma" which is its codename.
When I release a new video I announce it on:
- patreon.com/JohnElliotV (for both main channel and 2nd channel videos)
- youtube.com/@InTheLabWithJayJay (for main channel videos)
- youtube.com/@ElliotsExtras (for 2nd channel videos)
- blog.jj5.net (for both main channel and 2nd channel videos with show notes)
- InTheLabWithJayJay.com (this website, aka jjlab.net)
If you're interested in getting notifications about new videos you can subscribe to an RSS feed.
Prices and Other Records
The prices and other information shown on this website can be imprecise for many reasons, including the following:
- currency conversion
- tax included or not
- shipping included or not
- discounts included or not
- missing records
- incomplete records
- out of date records
- incorrect records
If you find something that is wrong or could be improved, please do let me know.
Here are some notes about how this website is made.

The show's logo (shown right) is a version of the Hacker Emblem. As all good nerds will know the glider which Eric S. Raymond chose for the hacker emblem can be in any of four different states, so I picked an alternative state for the glider to be in for the show's logo. The state I picked looks a little bit like a "J", for "Jay Jay", don't you think? :)
Source Code
The source code for this website is now available on GitHub:
Software Version
This website is running on the following software:
Software | Version |
www.jjlab.net | 0.3.1773 |
Mudball | 0.6.1733 |
PHP | 8.2.28 |
Apache | 2.4.62 |
Debian | 12.10 |
XML Files
This website has a sitemap.xml file and a rss.xml file.
Text Files
This website has a humans.txt file and a robots.txt file.
Secret Links
Can you keep a secret? There are two handy pages I made for my own use. I don't advertise them because they use massive HTML tables so the pages aren't responsive (i.e. they don't look good on mobile devices). But if you're brave you can find them here:
I also have some notes about YouTube hacks over here: YouTube Hacks.
Shortcut Keys
There are some hotkeys you can use to speed your navigation. Just press the key for the page you want. I added this support for hotkeys because I use this website quite a lot while I'm working on the show. It's mostly just here for my use but it would be cool if someone else found it useful too! I'm not sure if it will work on all browsers, but it works on recent versions of Firefox and Chromium. The main hotkey you have to remember is '?' for this section of this page, then you can take it from there.
# | Hotkey | Page | Description |
1 | ? | Shortcuts | Click here for a list of supported hotkeys. [Hotkey: ?] |
2 | 0 | Return to Top | Click here to return to the top of the current page. [Hotkey: 0] |
3 | . | Table of Contents | Click here to navigate to the table of contents (if it's available). [Hotkey: .] |
4 | H | Homepage | Click here to visit the show's home page. [Hotkey: H] |
5 | L | Latest Video | Click here to watch the latest main channel video on the homepage. [Hotkey: L] |
6 | ! | Lab Costume | Click here to find out about my costume. [Hotkey: !] |
7 | I | Silly Job Title | Click here to read about the silly job title. [Hotkey: I] |
8 | M | Main Channel | Click here for high quality content on my main YouTube channel @InTheLabWithJayJay. [Hotkey: M] |
9 | 2 | 2nd Channel | Click here for extra content on my 2nd YouTube channel @ElliotsExtras. [Hotkey: 2] |
10 | 5 | New JJCODE | This is a facility for John. |
11 | S | Sponsors | Click here to learn more about my generous sponsors. [Hotkey: S] |
12 | E | Equipment | Click here to see the lab equipment that I own along with affiliate links to buy. [Hotkey: E] |
13 | A | About the Website | Click here for more info about the show and this website. [Hotkey: A] |
14 | 3 | YouTube Hacks | Click here to read about YouTube hacks. [Hotkey: 3] |
15 | U | Support the Show! | Click here to find out how you can support the show. [Hotkey: U] |
16 | C | Contact Info | Click here to find my contact details. [Hotkey: C] |
17 | N | Statistics | Click here for stats about my videos and equipment. [Hotkey: N] |
18 | J | Mini Projects | Click here to watch the videos where I work through Mini Projects from Silicon Chip and Jaycar. [Hotkey: J] |
19 | K | Maxitronix Kits | Click here to watch the videos where I work through old Maxitronix electronic project labs. [Hotkey: K] |
20 | V | Video Index | Click here to see the "secret" index of all videos. [Hotkey: V] |
21 | B | Book Index | Click here to see the "secret" index of all books. [Hotkey: B] |
22 | X | sitemap.xml | Click here for the sitemap.xml file. [Hotkey: X] |
23 | R | RSS Feed | Click here to subscribe to the full RSS feed which includes all videos. [Hotkey: R] |
24 | T | Blog Template | Click here to see the template blog post that John uses for the show notes. [Hotkey: T] |
25 | Y | YouTube Template | Click here to see my YouTube video comment template. [Hotkey: Y] |
26 | Z | Software Version | Click here for information about the website software [Hotkey: Z] |
27 | D | Debug | Click here at your peril. :) [Hotkey: D] |
Thank You!
Thanks very much for your interest and I hope you enjoy the show!
Where to from Here?
You made it to the bottom of the page, huh? Well done! I'm a bit of a scroller myself. :)
Where you go next depends on what you're interested in. Here are some suggestions:
- If you're enjoying my content you could consider supporting the show.
- My new book teardown videos are quite popular, you might enjoy watching those.
- My personal favourites are the old book teardown videos.
- Visit the main channel, for all my high quality content including my special shows.
- Visit the main show, for my main show videos, which include the electronics project and old book teardown videos.
- Visit the equipment page, if you're interested in any of the equipment I use. If you're putting together your own electronics lab then I would certainly recommend checking this out!
- Did I mention that you can support the show? :)