Main Show

The main show is for high quality video content of interest to electronics hobbyists.

Table of Contents

The contents of this page are organised into the following sections:

Contents will go here (if you have Javascript enabled).

Main Show

The main show airs on the main channel and includes these regular features:

  • Electronics Project (8 videos, 6 hours)
  • Old Book Teardown (7 videos, 20 hours)
  • Statistics

    Here are some stats about how long these videos usually play for.

    The durations are given as hours:minutes:seconds.

    Note: when there is more than one value for the median the longest value is given. The average is the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation is the population standard deviation.

    You can get stats for all of my videos on the stats page.

    Videos Published:15
    Total Duration:26 hours
    Minimum Duration:12:47
    Maximum Duration:10:17:06
    Median Duration:52:46
    Average Duration:1:43:36
    Standard Deviation:2:32:02

    Electronics Project #8: Debugging the Symbol Keyboard Mini Project JMP001

    Main Channel > Main Show > Electronics Project

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Friday, August 30, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Component Wrangler
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Electronics Project #7: ICL8038 Monolithic Function/Signal Generator Kit Build and Test

    Main Channel > Main Show > Electronics Project

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Friday, July 26, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Buzz Boss
    Old Book Teardown
    Basic Electronics - Volumes 1 through 6 (1955)
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Old Book Teardown #9: Basic Electronics - Volumes 1 through 6 (1955)

    Main Channel > Main Show > Old Book Teardown

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Tuesday, August 20, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Buzz Boss
    Main Show
    ICL8038 Monolithic Function/Signal Generator Kit Build and Test
    Book Title
    Basic Electronics - Volumes 1 through 6
    Book Authors
    Van Valkenburgh, Nooger and Neville, Inc.
    Book Copyright
    © 1955
    Book Age
    69 years old
    Book Pages
    647 pages
    Purchase this book
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Electronics Project #6: Piezoelectric Buzzer Volume Control

    Main Channel > Main Show > Electronics Project

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Tuesday, May 14, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Amp Alchemist
    Old Book Teardown
    Radio Engineering 3rd Edition (1947)
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Old Book Teardown #8: Radio Engineering 3rd Edition (1947)

    Main Channel > Main Show > Old Book Teardown

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Thursday, July 11, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Amp Alchemist
    Main Show
    Piezoelectric Buzzer Volume Control
    Book Title
    Radio Engineering
    Book Edition
    3rd Edition
    Book Author
    Frederick Emmons Terman
    Book Copyright
    © 1947
    Book Age
    77 years old
    Book Pages
    953 pages
    Purchase this book
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Electronics Project #5: Hook Clip Test Probes to DuPont Jumpers

    Main Channel > Main Show > Electronics Project

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Thursday, April 25, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Electron Enchanter
    Old Book Teardown
    Engineering Electronics with Industrial Applications and Control (1957)
    New Book Teardown
    Beginner’s Guide to Reading Schematics 4th Edition (2018)
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Old Book Teardown #7: Engineering Electronics with Industrial Applications and Control (1957)

    Main Channel > Main Show > Old Book Teardown

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Saturday, April 27, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Electron Enchanter
    Main Show
    Hook Clip Test Probes to DuPont Jumpers
    Book Title
    Engineering Electronics with Industrial Applications and Control
    Book Author
    John D. Ryder
    Book Copyright
    © 1957
    Book Age
    67 years old
    Book Pages
    666 pages
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    New Book Teardown #4: Beginner’s Guide to Reading Schematics 4th Edition (2018)

    Main Channel > Special Show > New Book Teardown

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Tuesday, April 30, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Electron Enchanter
    Main Show
    Hook Clip Test Probes to DuPont Jumpers
    Book Title
    Beginner’s Guide to Reading Schematics
    Book Edition
    4th Edition
    Book Author
    Stan Gibilisco
    Book Copyright
    © 2018
    Book Age
    6 years old
    Book Pages
    209 pages
    Purchase this book
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Electronics Project #4: Male And Female RF Coaxial Cables With Alligator Clips

    Main Channel > Main Show > Electronics Project

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Saturday, March 30, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Master Planner
    Old Book Teardown
    Frequency Modulation: An Introduction To The Fundamental Principles (1958)
    New Book Teardown
    Learning The Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course (2016)
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    Old Book Teardown #6: Frequency Modulation: An Introduction To The Fundamental Principles (1958)

    Main Channel > Main Show > Old Book Teardown

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Sunday, March 31, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Master Planner
    Main Show
    Male And Female RF Coaxial Cables With Alligator Clips
    Book Title
    Frequency Modulation: An Introduction To The Fundamental Principles
    Book Authors
    A. W. Keen, M.I.R.E., A.M.I.E.E.
    Book Copyright
    © 1958
    Book Age
    66 years old
    Book Pages
    274 pages
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement

    New Book Teardown #3: Learning The Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course (2016)

    Main Channel > Special Show > New Book Teardown

    Show Notes
    Show Notes
    Date Published
    Monday, April 1, 2024
    Video Duration
    YouTube Channel
    YouTube Video Link
    Generous Sponsors
    Patreon Supporters
    Silly Job Title
    Master Planner
    Main Show
    Male And Female RF Coaxial Cables With Alligator Clips
    Book Title
    Learning The Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course
    Book Authors
    Thomas C. Hayes, Paul Horowitz
    Book Copyright
    © 2016
    Book Age
    8 years old
    Book Pages
    1,140 pages
    Permanent Link
    Permanent Link
    Patreon Announcement
    Load More Videos

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    You made it to the bottom of the page, huh? Well done! I'm a bit of a scroller myself. :)

    Where you go next depends on what you're interested in. Here are some suggestions: