Main Channel: @InTheLabWithJayJay
The main YouTube channel is: youtube.com/@InTheLabWithJayJay
Table of Contents
The contents of this page are organised into the following sections:
Main Channel: @InTheLabWithJayJay
The main channel is known as @InTheLabWithJayJay and is on YouTube here:
I guess the other thing that people might search for is "In The Lab With JJ", so let's include that here for the search engines. :)
There are some regular shows/features which are published on the main channel:
- Main Show (19 videos, 40 hours)
- Electronics Project (10 videos, 7 hours)
- Old Book Teardown (9 videos, 32 hours)
- Special Show (133 videos, 88 hours)
- New Book Teardown (6 videos, 19 hours)
- Mini Project (3 videos, 2 hours)
- Maxitronix 10in1 (12 videos, 3 hours)
- Maxitronix 20in1 (22 videos, 12 hours)
- Interlude (14 videos, 10 hours)
- Mail Call (26 videos, 16 hours)
- Unboxing (26 videos, 11 hours)
- Demo (8 videos, 9 hours)
- Channel News (5 videos, 1 hour)
- Early Content (11 videos, 5 hours)
Here are some stats about how long these videos usually play for.
The durations are given as hours:minutes:seconds.
Note: when there is more than one value for the median the longest value is given. The average is the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation is the population standard deviation.
You can get stats for all of my videos on the stats page.
Videos Published: | 152 |
Total Duration: | 128 hours |
Minimum Duration: | 1:51 |
Maximum Duration: | 11:58:52 |
Median Duration: | 27:37 |
Average Duration: | 50:23 |
Standard Deviation: | 1:29:43 |
Mail Call #18: Tape, Cable, PCBs, Thermometer, Diodes, Soldering, Magnets, Blades and More!
Main Channel > Special Show > Mail Call
YouTube hashtags: #jjlab #MailCall #Electronics #Hardware #Tools #Equipment #Components #AliExpress #Brother #PTouchD210 #LabelMaker #Tape #DuPontCable #SOP8 #SOP14 #SOP16 #SOP20 #SOP24 #SOP28 #PCBBoardKit #DIPAdapter #DIPConverter #Thermometer #RoundCornerPunch #TransparentStickyNotes #SMDSchottkyDiode #SS14 #SS24 #SS34 #SS16 #SS26 #SS36 #SMDRectifierDiode #1N4007 #1N4001 #1N4004 #SolderingPracticeBoard #NeodymiumMagnets #CTypeExternalCirclip #CraftKnifeBlades #WeActStudio #STM32G431CBU6 #STM32G431 #STM32G4 #STM32 #NEWACALOX #FlexibleArms #SolderingHelpingHands #ThirdHand #PCBBoardFixingClip #MagneticBase #A4CuttingMat #MiniBenchClamp #ICGlueRemover #Spatula #Mail #Call #PTouch #D210 #Label #Maker #DuPont #Cable #PCB #Board #Kit #DIP #Adapter #Converter #Round #Corner #Punch #Transparent #Sticky #Notes #SMD #Schottky #Diode #Rectifier #Soldering #Practice #Neodymium #Magnets #CType #External #Circlip #Craft #Knife #Blades #WeAct #Studio #Flexible #Arms #Helping #Hands #Third #Hand #Fixing #Clip #Magnetic #Base #A4 #Cutting #Mat #Mini #Bench #Clamp #IC #Glue #Remover
Blog tags: In The Lab With Jay Jay, Mail Call, Electronics, Hardware, Tools, Equipment, Components, AliExpress, Brother, P-Touch D210, Label Maker, Tape, DuPont Cable, SOP8, SOP14, SOP16, SOP20, SOP24, SOP28, PCB Board Kit, DIP Adapter, DIP Converter, Thermometer, Round Corner Punch, Transparent Sticky Notes, SMD Schottky Diode, SS14, SS24, SS34, SS16, SS26, SS36, SMD Rectifier Diode, 1N4007, 1N4001, 1N4004, Soldering Practice Board, Neodymium Magnets, C-Type External Circlip, Craft Knife Blades, WeAct Studio, STM32G431CBU6, STM32G431, STM32G4, STM32, NEWACALOX, Flexible Arms, Soldering Helping Hands, NEWACALOX, Third Hand, PCB Board Fixing Clip, Soldering Helping Hands, Magnetic Base, A4 Cutting Mat, Mini Bench Clamp, IC Glue Remover, Spatula
- Show Notes
- Show Notes
- Date Published
- Sunday, January 19, 2025
- Video Duration
- 50:21
- YouTube Channel
- @InTheLabWithJayJay
- YouTube Video Link
- https://youtu.be/cwqSWPOpQZM
- Generous Sponsors
- Patreon Supporters
- Permanent Link
- Permanent Link
- Patreon Announcement
- patreon.com/posts/120125889
Demo #7: Octopus Third Hand
Main Channel > Special Show > Demo
YouTube hashtags: #jjlab #Demo #OctopusThirdHand #Demonstration #ThirdHand #HelpingHands #Soldering #Solder #BenchVise #TableClamp #FlexibleArms #Holder #PCBRepair #AliExpress #Octopus #Third #Hand #Helping #Hands #Bench #Vise #Table #Clamp #Flexible #Arms #PCB #Repair
Blog tags: In The Lab With Jay Jay, Demo, Octopus Third Hand, Demonstration, Third Hand, Helping Hands, Soldering, Solder, Bench Vise, Table Clamp, Flexible Arms, Holder, PCB Repair, AliExpress
- Show Notes
- Show Notes
- Date Published
- Saturday, January 18, 2025
- Video Duration
- 13:43
- YouTube Channel
- @InTheLabWithJayJay
- YouTube Video Link
- https://youtu.be/R_9pwPB60fM
- Generous Sponsors
- Patreon Supporters
- Permanent Link
- Permanent Link
- Patreon Announcement
- patreon.com/posts/120118279
Maxitronix 20in1: Low-Water Indicator (17/20)
Main Channel > Special Show > Maxitronix Xin1 Kits > Maxitronix 20in1
YouTube hashtags: #jjlab #Maxitronix20in1 #ElectronicsProject #Lab #Kit #Circuit #Experiment #LowWater #Resistor #Capacitor #Transistor #AstableMultivibrator #Alarm #Buzzer #BananaPlug #Riden #RD6006 #BenchPowerSupply #UNIT #UTi260B #ThermalImager #Rigol #MSO5074 #MixedSignalOscilloscope #Fluke #17Bplus #DigitalMultimeter #Metcal #PS900 #SolderingStation #Horusdy #SolderingStationwithHotAirGun #Maxitronix #20in1 #Electronics #Project #Low #Water #Astable #Multivibrator #Banana #Plug #Bench #Power #Supply #Thermal #Imager #Mixed #Signal #Oscilloscope #Digital #Multimeter #Soldering #Station #with #Hot #Air #Gun
Blog tags: In The Lab With Jay Jay, Maxitronix 20in1, Electronics Project, Lab, Kit, Circuit, Experiment, Low Water, Resistor, Capacitor, Transistor, Astable Multivibrator, Alarm, Buzzer, Banana Plug, Riden, RD6006, Bench Power Supply, UNI-T, UTi260B, Thermal Imager, Rigol, MSO5074, Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Fluke, 17Bplus, Digital Multimeter, Metcal, PS-900, Soldering Station, Horusdy, Soldering Station with Hot Air Gun
- Show Notes
- Show Notes
- Date Published
- Friday, January 17, 2025
- Video Duration
- 1:02:29
- YouTube Channel
- @InTheLabWithJayJay
- YouTube Video Link
- https://youtu.be/IA9ryaWjyr8
- Generous Sponsors
- Patreon Supporters
- Maxitronix Kit
- Maxitronix 20in1
- Permanent Link
- Permanent Link
- Patreon Announcement
- patreon.com/posts/120112664
Interlude #11: Playing with WeAct Studio Epaper Modules on ESP32-C3 MCU
Main Channel > Special Show > Interlude
YouTube hashtags: #jjlab #Interlude #EpaperModule #WeActStudio #ESP32C3 #MCU #Microcontroller #Rigol #MSO5074 #MixedSignalOscilloscope #PLA2216 #LogicProbe #Epaper #Module #WeAct #Studio #Mixed #Signal #Oscilloscope #Logic #Probe
Blog tags: In The Lab With Jay Jay, Interlude, Epaper Module, WeAct Studio, ESP32-C3, MCU, Microcontroller, Rigol, MSO5074, Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Rigol, PLA2216, Logic Probe
- Show Notes
- Show Notes
- Date Published
- Thursday, January 16, 2025
- Video Duration
- 2:39:39
- YouTube Channel
- @InTheLabWithJayJay
- YouTube Video Link
- https://youtu.be/kN6rB7qRQlw
- Generous Sponsors
- Patreon Supporters
- Permanent Link
- Permanent Link
- Patreon Announcement
- patreon.com/posts/119947246
Demo #6: Peak Electronic Design Atlas ESR Gold - Equivalent Series Resistance Meter
Main Channel > Special Show > Demo
YouTube hashtags: #jjlab #Demo #Demonstration #Unboxing #Electronics #Hardware #Instrument #Testing #Measurement #Tool #PeakElectronicDesign #AtlasESRGold #ESRMeter #CRC01M #LCRCrocClipSet #SMD03M #SMDTweezers #LCRLHP2 #ReplacementLCRHookProbes #ENP90 #ESRLCRNeedleProbeSet #PCA23 #PeakComponentAdapterforSOT23 #3DPAS #3DPrintedPeakAtlasStand #LX30 #ExtensionCableForLCR45 #ATC02 #SingleHandheldCase #ATC55 #DualCarryCase #Peak #Electronic #Design #Atlas #ESR #Gold #Meter #LCR #Croc #Clip #Set #SMD #Tweezers #Replacement #Hook #Probes #ESRLCR #Needle #Probe #Component #Adapter #for #SOT23 #3D #Printed #Stand #Extension #Cable #For #LCR45 #Single #Handheld #Case #Dual #Carry
Blog tags: In The Lab With Jay Jay, Demo, Demonstration, Unboxing, Electronics, Hardware, Instrument, Testing, Measurement, Tool, Peak Electronic Design, Atlas ESR Gold, ESR Meter, CRC01M, LCR Croc Clip Set, SMD03M, SMD Tweezers, LCRLHP2, Replacement LCR Hook Probes, ENP90, ESR/LCR Needle Probe Set, PCA23, Peak Component Adapter for SOT-23, 3DPAS, 3D Printed Peak Atlas Stand, LX30, Extension Cable For LCR45, ATC02, Single Handheld Case, ATC55, Dual Carry Case
- Show Notes
- Show Notes
- Date Published
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025
- Video Duration
- 50:44
- YouTube Channel
- @InTheLabWithJayJay
- YouTube Video Link
- https://youtu.be/Pv4l1eM79W8
- Generous Sponsors
- Patreon Supporters
- Permanent Link
- Permanent Link
- Patreon Announcement
- patreon.com/posts/119904359
Thank You!
Thanks very much for your interest and I hope you enjoy the show!
Where to from Here?
You made it to the bottom of the page, huh? Well done! I'm a bit of a scroller myself. :)
Where you go next depends on what you're interested in. Here are some suggestions:
- If you're enjoying my content you could consider supporting the show.
- My new book teardown videos are quite popular, you might enjoy watching those.
- My personal favourites are the old book teardown videos.
- Visit the main channel, for all my high quality content including my special shows.
- Visit the main show, for my main show videos, which include the electronics project and old book teardown videos.
- Visit the equipment page, if you're interested in any of the equipment I use. If you're putting together your own electronics lab then I would certainly recommend checking this out!
- Did I mention that you can support the show? :)